Friday, April 29, 2011

Sisterly Bonding...

Rachel here. You know, a lot people spend time "bonding" with their sisters. Some play games, others watch a movie or take a walk around the block. Some might stay up talking until the middle of the night. Or they might bond by playing basketball on the driveway or throwing a tennis ball back and forth. Some will take a road trip or go somewhere fun downtown. Going out to lunch or talking to each other on the phone are also good options.

But not for me and Lauren. Our "sisterly bonding" (as Lauren called it) involved me standing behind her for 45 minutes while I ran my fingers through her hair and removed large chunks of it. It seemed like it was never going to end. The hair just kept on coming out. It was actually a sad experience for me. However, I struggle with ever being sad. I just can't do it. So this picture shows me and Lauren "bonding" while I attempt to look sad. Notice the large pile of hair on the table. It's crazy how much there is. And it still continues to fall out everywhere on everything. Our bathroom floor is covered and it is in every garbage can in the house. I told her that she can at least be grateful that she had thick hair.

So the next time you want to complain about a bad hair day, be grateful that you are having a hair day. And the next time you get a chance to bond with your sister, do something more fun that Lauren and I did. PLEASE!!! It is not an experience I would wish upon anyone.

On a side note, I learned this week that if you go to Google Maps and look up how to get to Japan from anywhere in the USA, it will give you driving directions to the west coast and then tell you to "Kayak across the Pacific Ocean" to Hawaii and then continue on to Japan. hahahahahaha :) For anyone daring enough to kayak across the ocean, I wish them luck.

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