Sunday, July 31, 2011

Trip vs.Vacation

Just so no one misunderstands, this was a trip, not a vacation. See, there is a difference. On a vacation, you don't drive 6763 miles, you don't unpack and repack 14 times, you don't spend 7 full days in a car with 6 bodies and tons of luggage, you don't drive kids to and from basketball camps and EFY, you don't do laundry, you don't try to fit in visiting everyone you want and need to, you don't make doctors appointments in states you don't live in, you don't need an oil change in the middle, and your husband doesn't work remotely for portions of 2 weeks, staying in town so that he can help drive to the next location.

However, a trip like this is full of so many memories and I don't know that I would really trade it. It is so comforting to be with family. We have amazing brothers and sisters who fed us well and gave us comfortable places to sleep. We played lots of games, cuddled with lots of nieces and nephews, enjoyed beautiful scenery, crossed 15 state lines, laughed until we cried, and took hundreds of pictures.

Maybe sometime we will hop on a plane, hop off and grab a taxi to deliver us to a hotel where we will unpack and stay put for a week and actually vacation, but probably not anytime soon.

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